A doctor of physical therapy, yoga instructor, and integrative nutritional health coach who loves blending all of these to help you move better & feel your best! I'm also totally obsessed with matcha lattes, hot chips, and bright yoga pants.
Sciatica is literally a real pain in the a$$ that can keep you from the activities you LOVE. The key is getting to the root cause of your pain and keeping it at bay! There can be a number of different causes between lack of mobility & stability, repetitive movements, or being in prolonged positions for long periods of time. (If you sit for long periods of time check out my free webinar on desk ergonomics for tips & tricks!) So, if you are tired of struggling with sciatica and looking for some fast lasting relief get to it with these 3 MOVES to help ease low back pain and sciatica. Let’s do this: Simple moves you can sprinkle in throughout your day to make a big impact!Sciatic Nerve Glides Sometimes when we feel tightness in a muscle it is more from our nervous system on over drive verses our actual muscles being tight. Nerve glides are a great way to work on calming down your nervous system. You want to be very careful to not over stretch just go until you feel a gentle pull and ease your way in. You’ll straighten your leg & point your toes and then bend your knee and pull your foot up to you. 10-15x multiple times throughout your dayGluteus Minimus Myofascial Release Your glute min has a trigger point referral pattern that mimics sciatica Yesss! Awesome news, cause we can work on creating hydration for that tissue. You will have that hurt, but feels good all at the same time. With self myofascial release more is not always better, you can make the tissues tighter by over doing it. Stick with 30-60 seconds in each spot.CAT/CAMEL with Hip Extension Extend one leg back pressing through your heel! Really check into see how your spine is moving. Slowly lift your tail bone, then sink your chest, and lift your head. Reverse it by pulling chin to chest, pressing to round out mid back, and tuck your tail bone. Ease your way in with your breath 5-10x then switch legs.
Consistency is key! Stick with it, listen to your body, and watch that pain in you’re a$$ melt away! For 2 more sciatic moves & to learn the BIIGEST tip I give all of my clients that helps instantly for pain relief watch
Click here for more tips & support with sciatica or other aches & pains!
Still have more questions let’s jump on 15 minute discovery call to chat more about your sciatica!
I blend my background as a physical therapist and yoga instructor to teach you how to
🧘 Stop your embarrassing leaks
🧘 Heal your body through gentle movement
🧘 Activate sleeping muscles
🧘 Losen up tight areas
🧘 Get back to the activities you love
Helping those whose life is being turned upside down by aches, pains, and embarrassing leaks… regain control of your body and get back to the life you love! (Without kegels or crunches)
Free resources to help you go back to the live you love!
Free Pelvic Floor Challenge
Get started with 4 exercises to start building your strong core & pelvic floor to help with: prolapse, diastasis recti, pelvic pain, bossy bladders, achy backs & nagging hip pain. No kegels or crunches…promise!
Free 30 Day Yoga Challenge
An exercise based challenge focusing specifically on the core and pelvic floor. There are so many different parts of your body that connect back to your pelvic floor and core like: sleep, stress, hips, feet, mid back, and more. We are addressing all of those areas throughout the challenge. This challenge was filmed entirely in Costa Rica and we hope you enjoy the background..